Extinct and Endangered Animals!
03 Disember 2010 | 5:52 PG | 0 comments
Hai kawan-kawan!!!Assalamualaikum...arini aisyah nak bagitau pasal extinct and endangered animals...sedey nye...aisyah nak tulis list pasal sume binatang n species nie okey???Extinct Animals.
1.Mammoth 6.Snow-Leapord
2.Dodo bird 7.Dinasour
3.Aquagga 8.Irish-deer
4.Tasmanian Wolf 9.Snow+Macacue
5.Spanish ibex 10.Aurochs
Endangered Animals and Species.
1.Orang Utan 6.Tuttles
2.Tiger 7.Eagle
3.Star Tiger 8.Pitcher Plant
4.Giant Panda 9.Star Cactus
5.Refflesia 10.Polar Bear
So,in the fact,we have to save the endangered animals and species to make sure that endangered is not to be in extinct animals...SAVE THE ENDANGERED ANIMALS AND SPECIES!!!
Prince$$ luv Bubble$$,
MissTitisha Badrul